Thursday, August 5, 2010

Rocket (Wo)Man

I left home for three weeks to come to London and study abroad.  My main reason for being here was to experience a different culture and earn credits at the same time - I meant to do this since my undergraduate studies.  I've had a great time here - I have been exposed to some Web 2.0 applications and I have learned heaps about London (histories, architecture, culture, etc etc).  As with most things in life, there came with this experience unexpected lessons.

One of the greatest things about studying abroad is being able to meet people.  In complete honesty, I was a little nervous about coming here alone, not knowing a single person.  I had hoped that I could talk at least one of my library school buddies to come along, but to no avail.  Not that I don't love my classmates back home, but thinking back, I'm glad I was forced to get to know people.  I think that being here for only three weeks encouraged us to forge relationships quite quickly, as we relied on each other from day to day.

The relationships we've created are ones that I will never forget (cue sappy music).

I'm constantly trying to find ways to be a better person - to be grateful, humble, friendly, and fair.  It is difficult to be like that all the time.  During this trip, I have met some incredible people who remind me how to be the person I want to be.  My classmates are full of smarts, compassion, love, and zest for life.

Although I appreciate London and all we've done here, I appreciate and cherish getting to know the awesome 13 classmates I've spent the last 21 days with even more.  If you all are reading this sappy goodbye please look me up in Hawai'i if you are ever around.  It would be my pleasure to share my home with you!

I leave you with the song that always rings in my head before a flight ... sung by the one and only Jason Mraz.


  1. Have a safe trip back stateside! :)

  2. Very well said bebe!!!

  3. Tara, you are possibly the sweetest person I've ever met and I am not exaggerating at all! If you happen to become more "grateful, humble, friendly, and fair" please let me know because I don't think it's possible for you to be more awesomer (yes awesomer!) than you already are!
